At one time Massage was considered a luxury but more and more medical research is showing just how essential it is. Massage is showing itself to be a necessary part of your health and wellness plan, as well as an anti-aging strategy.
The Benefits Of Massage
Alleviate low-back pain
Improve range of motion
Assist with more comfortable pregnancy for expectant mothers
Reduce medication dependence
Boost immunity by supporting lymph flow a major part of our natural defense system
Exercise and stimulate weak or atrophied muscles
Stretch tight muscles
Assist athletes of any level prepare for and recover from sporting events or strenuous workouts.
Improve circulation and enhance the condition the skin
Increase joint flexibility and function
Diminish depression and anxiety
Stimulate tissue regeneration
Decrease scar tissue and stretch marks
Improve circulation by flushing the body's circulatory system and bringing oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs
Decrease post-surgery adhesions and reduce swelling
Eliminate spasms and cramping.
Flush, relax and nourish injured, over used or exhausted muscles
Release endorphins the body's natural painkiller
Relieve and even eliminate migraine pain
Massage Essential to Maintain Health Massage therapy can be an essential element in your healthcare schedule. It is estimated that ninety percent of disease is stress related. With the fast pace of the modern world aging us faster and faster, internally and externally eradicating anxiety and stress altogether might be unrealistic but massage can let off the pressure valve and make stress manageable. Massage is proven to decrease anxiety, enhance sleep quality, provide greater energy, increasing circulation, improving concentration and reducing fatigue.
Due to the specific physiological and chemical changes throughout the body profound benefits can be felt. Massage recipients attest to a sense well being and contentment of after receiving a massage. Massage and Bodywork or energy work provides emotional balance, a vital and valuable aspect to add to its physical benefits.
The latest research shows that with massage:
Arthritis patients report lowering of aches and pains with less stiffness
Asthmatic children displayed improved pulmonary function
Burn injury patients studies reported decreased pain, itching, and relief from anxiety
High blood pressure patients exhibit lower anxiety, decreased diastolic blood pressure, and stress hormones
Premenstrual syndrome sufferers have reduction in water retention, cramping and general edginess
Preterm infants have showed enhanced weight gain
Research continues to show tremendous benefits of massage, from treating injuries and stress to chronic diseases and nerve disorders.
Massage is becoming an indispensible part of hospice care and neonatal intensive care units as the medical community is now endorsing massage and bodywork modalities. Medical institutions are incorporating referrals to massage therapists to treat for post-surgery recovery and patients for pain management. Regular massage can bring many benefits as listed above of health maintenance, recovery and well being. Massage is truly an investment not to be overlooked.
Copywright A Ala Hawaii Oceanfront Massage MAE 2229 / BSH4264